Core Values.

Core values are the DNA of a company. Every decision we make are filtered through these core values. They help guide everything from the homes we buy, how we deals we make, the contractors we hire, to how we manage tenants. Our core values impact all the aspects of our business,

Our Values:

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Light to the community.

We’re not just in business for ourselves. We exist as a company to add to the good of the community. We seek the peace and prosperity of our city. For if our community prospers, so will we.

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Love thy neighbor.

We believe that our world works better when we are in community. In everything we do, we look for ways to create community and good will in the neighborhoods we serve.

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Be awesome.

We do what we say we will do and expect others to do the same. We expect the same from our tenants, contractors, and investors.

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Profit is good.

Though we have a vision to impact our community, we are not a non-profit. We believe that we can both do good and build wealth.

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Don’t be a douche bag.

We’re people of high moral character. We do what we say we will do and we own up to our mistakes when we fall short. We make every effort to make peace with others- including our tenants, contractors, and investors.


The only reason to build a business is to change the world.